Sunday, June 6, 2010

Once Again, It's Nadia

You remember when  I wrote that story titled "Today On the Bus" ? Well this is sort of like a sequel to it. Well, just yesterday is when this one took place. But let me tell you some background first. The main character of the first story and this one is Nadia. She has been messing with me for all of the three years that I've been in Germany. So, now, since I'm leaving, I don't care who sees I'm writing this. I don't care that they know they other side of Nadia, because they really should. So whoever is reading this, whoever knows me and Nadia, get ready to hear another part of what she does when when no one that knows her good side is around. ( She doesn't want to ruin her reputation at school. )
Here it goes. An exact  account of what happened yesterday.

So it started out with a fun game of whatever you call vollying a ball to four differant people without a net. Elise and Nadia were on the playground playing with a small two year old named Sarah. They came over to play with us and we decided that it would be better so just play Marco-Polo, Ice and Lava, or Freeze Tag since we didn't think we would have enough room with six players. Then Nadia blows. "Oh MY God! You were playing that untill Midnnight last night!! You were screaming on the top of your lungs and shouting MARCO....POLO....MARCO.....POLO!!! and you woke me and Noah up!!!" So, I say "Joleen I and stopped playing at 9:00pm becuase she had to go in at 10. I was in bad before 10:30 and asleep before 11:00. How could you hear me when I had been asleep for an hour?!" Nadia sreams " Well that's what Elise said and her dad was MAD!!" So I'm just standing there thinking, well then how the heck did you wake up at midnight when I was asleep because I was sreaming Marco Polo, yet you only heard that I MIGHT have been up and so you make it your problem. So we leave our fun game to try to decide what game we should play because Nadia joined. How fun. *sarcastic voice* That was so much more fun than playing vollyball with people who are actually nice to me. Now I have to decide what DIFFERENT game to play now that Nadia joined. And she's just over there complaining her butt off that we are trying to figure out what to play. She was on the far right swing  with her friend, and I was like "Hey, Elise! C'Mere a second!" And she walked over to me. "Hey, What?" she said. "What do you wanna play? Ice and Lava, or Freeze Tag, or What?" I said. I don't know, Ummmm.... Ice Lava? I guess we should get people over here for shoe maker." she said. (Shoe maker is where you do eenie, meenie, minie, moe with all the players feet and the last one in would be it for that game.) we go over to Nadia and Joleen, right, and Nadia's all up in our faces "I don't wanna FREEKIN' play nothing! Oh my god!!! Just leave me alone!!! C'mon Joleen!" and she walked away. Joleen's like "I'll play if we get enough people to join." But of course, in the end, Nadia ended up whining her little butt off so much that everyone just went inside becuase they were tired of hearing it. And once again Nadia messed it up. I know it sounds like i'm just making her look bad, but really that's what happens every day. It's just become typical. Typical, Everyday Stuff.