Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 4th of July!

Just got back from the airfeild base! It was so much fun!! I've been awake, like two days in a row now. On the 3rd, I picked up Taylor for a sleep over. We ate pepperoni pizza for dinner and the fun all started there.When my mom went to pick up my brother, we made popcorn. I asked Taylor what she wanted to drink, and she said "Milk." I know her personality way to well and also grabbed the chocolate syrup. We started with more than half of the bottle, and ended up with nothing, but very chocolate milk. With the snacks, weran back to my room. We started to watch "How To Train Your Dragon", but it stopped working. The same happened with "Ella Enchanted", but that didn't bring us down. We went on my facebook account and chatted with people, and played games. Soon after, we had to give Heidi a bath because Taylor put stuff on her. That was around 2 in the morning.we talked to people some more, faught to see you got to sleep with the dog, and before we knew it, it was 4 in the morning. I fell asleep, and Taylor woke me up at 5 and she started getting ready. We played on the computer and Taylor fell asleep until 9 when my mom made breakfast. Of course, it was cinomon rolls. After that, we both fell asleep untill 4:30pm, when we got woken up to got to Taylor's. There we had a BBQ sort of thing, and met up with Jill. Jill and I met Taylor's new birds that Taylor missed dearly. Our favorite is Streak, a white and blue parakete. The Other is Crest, a yellow and green parakete. We watched Josh's parody videos on YouTube untill we got hungry and went downstairs. I had half a bratwurst, potato salad, fruit salad, banana pudding, and a few cream puffs. After dressing up as Knights, and taking insane pictures, (which I will post later) we went to the airfeild base. Taylor and I had to ride the horses, after we foud out that Jill had. She left 20 minutes before we did, so she got to do stuff first. We ran around like we were going insane, and found Abbi. We screamed our heads off, and ran to find Jill. We then walked around and talked. When it got dark, I got a red, white, and blue blinking necklace thanks to my mom. My mom and I walked back to our seats and I sat beside Jill and Taylor. I do't know where Abbi went, but I didn't see her for the rest of the day. That stinks because I leave for the states for good on Tuesday the 6th. I'll keep you double posted on what I'm up to the last few days I'm  in Germany. Later!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry i had to leave but my mother dragged me out of there 5 minetes after the fire works and i wanted to say bye but i coulden't find u guys and because of my mother.
    P.S. those fireworks were relly lame!
