Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lost In The Hallways

My school squedule is wierd. I don't know when I'm supposted to be in health or gym. When I'm supposted to go to Spanish, I head toward the gym instead, therefore I'm always late. Now my English teacher is questioning wether or not I am alowed to bring my purse to class with me. But really, the only reason I carry a purse is so that I dont have to cary its contents seperately:

*colored pencils
*markers - I haven't even used them yet
*glue - WHY??
* sissors - kindergarden
* 2-3 books
*2 packs of highlighters
* a Sharpie
* a blue, black, purple, and red pen
*4 pencils
* a ruler
* 4 dry erase markers
*a pecil sharpener

She was all  "I'm not sure if you are allowed to bring that bag to class, it may be considered a tote bag. You are not allowed to have a bag big enough to carry all of your supplies in."

Does she want me to carry everything sepperately?? I wouldn't even make from my locker pod to the one across the hall.

since september 9 i have read the following:

* the name of this book is secret - like 370 pg
* A prarie as wide as the sea - 200 pg?
* just another day in my insanely real life - 300 pg
* reluctantly alice - 182
* across the wide and lonesome prarie- 154
* how i came to be a writer- 80
* flush - idk like 200?
* If a tree falls at lunch period - 200
* stranded in boringsville - 200

This is why book reports are easy for me

Well, i have to do my homework so this is HippieChick signing off.

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